Consumer Welfare, Marketplace Justice, and Specialty Coffee

On fireships, societal marketing, and public policy
As uncertainty engulfs Washington, D.C., the need for agility in social marketing and public policy scholarship becomes heightened for market resilience.
¿Qué le debemos al café especial?
¿Qué significa para el café “especial” que la industria centre el lado de la demanda en sus normas?
What do we owe specialty coffee?
What is does it mean for “specialty” coffee when the industry centers the demand-side in its standards?
Can participative pricing work to improve coffee farmer incomes?
An experiment by Azahar Coffee in Colombia uses participative pricing choice. Can it work to provide coffee farmers with better-than-living-income?
Climate (In)justice and the Sustainable Consumption Question of Ersatz Coffee
“Beanless coffee” is touted as the next frontier of sustainable coffee consumption; how convenient is it to forsake coffee farmers?
Reflections on the Fulbright application process
Several colleagues asked me about the Fulbright process, prompting me to describe my personal experiences with applying to Fulbright Colombia.
Does Coffee Have to Be 80 Points for Me to Find it “Special”
An extended essay on the objective vs subjective qualifications defining “specialty coffee” and what paradigmatic rigidity implies for coffee market equity.
Reentry, readjusting, reintegrating, reflecting back home
Three weeks after returning from Fulbright research on coffee in Colombia, I’m reflecting on being home and what’s coming next.
Hasta la próxima, Colombia…
Having given my final presentation at Uniandes, I’ve got some goodbyes and thank yous to offer. We’ve done a lot of work over four months, yet the work is just beginning…
48 hours of fieldwork in Pitalito
It was a quiet month, but the last fieldwork fieldtrip to Pitalito hit the ground running, giving us more insights on the c-price and the buying and selling of coffee, locally.